Royal Society of Biology: Postgraduate Textbook Prize 2015

The Royal Society of Biology Book Awards, celebrate outstanding biology books for the general reader, as well as exceptional undergraduate and postgraduate textbooks.
The 2015 winner was Curating Biocultural Collections. The judges said: 'A stunningly visual and engaging book with a crisp, clear and example rich style. It captivates the reader with its breadth of topics and range of examples, cases studies and photographs.' 15 October 2015
New research grant: I-LINK+
A networking grant from Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spain: The flora of ancient Iraq: a scientific approach to ancient texts. With Bárbara Boeck (Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Madrid), Shahina Ghazanfar (Kew). 30 October 2015